Embracing Innovation and Commitment

Sheryl Gough, Ph.D, Principal Research Investigator

Principal Research Investigator, Sheryl Gough, joined the Arvinas team nearly eight years ago, attracted by the idea of using degrader technology to fight cancer by completely removing a protein with a small molecule approach.

Today, she finds it rewarding to contribute to developing drugs with real implications for patients and playing a critical role in getting life-saving drugs to those in need. Even though drug discovery can be a lengthy process, Sheryl has been impressed with Arvinas’ ability to stay ahead of the competition by obtaining early clinical data for proof of concept.

While her current research focuses on exploring how genetic changes work together to cause cancer, Sheryl strongly believes in the potential of our technology and sees additional opportunities for Arvinas to lead in indications such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

“I feel energized by the chance to strive to offer patients a potentially longer and better quality of life through our work,” Sheryl says. “Arvinas supports the opportunity for career advancement and this as well as the excitement for our innovation and openness to new technology, keeps me committed to working here.

When asked which Arvinas value resonates with her the most, Sheryl finds it challenging to choose just one. She emphasizes the importance of performing excellent science, which is necessary for success. However, she ultimately cites commitment as the core value she appreciates most, noting that Arvinas benefits from the diverse range of people driving our functional groups because inclusivity and diversity are essential for promoting innovation and progress.